Dr. Jody Paul

Computer Science 3

Graph Traversal – Travel Route Assignment

Problem: Given a graph representing locations and travel among those locations, determine routes according to specified criteria. The nodes of a graph are considered locations. Each location has a cost associated with visitng that location. The edges of a graph are considered direct travel connections between two locations. Each edge has a cost and a time associated with traversing that edge. Edges are non-directional. The product must address finding the following routes:

Sample Graph

Sample Graph Input Format


(name cost)
(locationName1 locationName2 cost minutes)


(Loc/Con1 Loc/Con2 ... Loc/ConN)

Sample Graph:

(define G '((C 10)
            (C B  45 25)
            (C D  45 30)
            (B  9)
            (D 12)
            (A 10)
            (C A  90 45)
            (D E  10 10)
            (E  8)
            (A B  40 30)
            (A E 180 60))

Route: ((loc1 loc2 ... locN) cost time)
Function Invocation Syntax
Functions: (cheapest Graph SourceLoc DestLoc)
(shortest-time Graph SourceLoc DestLoc)
(least-legs Graph SourceLoc DestLoc)
(layover Graph SourceLoc IntLoc DestLoc)
(tour Graph Loc)
(cheapest-tour Graph Loc)
(h-tour Graph)
(ts-tour Graph Loc)
(e-tour Graph)
Sample Function Invocations and Return Values
  (cheapest G 'A 'D)
  ((A C D) 167 75)
(shortest-time G 'A 'D)
  ((A E D) 220 70)

[More complex sample graph diagram]

Assessment Rubric:

Assessment Rubric

[PDF version]