Table of Contents
- Freedman and Weinberg. Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews.
Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1983.
- Gause and Weinberg. Exploring Requirements. New York: Dorset House, 1989. (Chapter 20)
- Weinberg. The Psychology of Computer Programming. New York: Van Nostrand, 1971.
- Yourdon. Managing the Structured Techniques. Englewood Cliffs: Yourdon Press, 1989.
- Pressman. Software Engineering: A Beginner's Guide. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. (Chapters 4, 5 & Appendix B)
- Pressman. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
"The number of errors in production systems
decreases by as much as 90% in organizations
that use walkthroughs diligently."
- Major objective: FIND ERRORS
- Uncover errors in function, logic, or implementation for any representation of the software
- Look for weaknesses or errors of style
- Verify that the software meets its requirements
- Ensure that the software has been represented according to predefined standards
- Make projects more manageable
- Achieve software that is developed in a uniform manner
"For a junior programmer, working for one year
as part of a team that practices walkthroughs is
equivalent to two years of working alone."
- Consciousness-raising
- Senior people get new ideas and insights from junior people
- Enables observation of different approaches to software analysis, design, and implementation
- "Peer pressure" improves quality
- Promotes backup and continuity
- Reduces risk of discontinuity & "useless code" since several people
become familiar with parts of software that they may not have otherwise seen
- Walkthroughs should be conducted frequently
- Focuses on a specific and small piece of work
- Increases the likelihood of uncovering errors
- Before author has too great an ego investment
- Scheduled only when the author is ready
- About 4 or 5 people
- Advanced preparation (no more than 2 hours) should be
required of and performed by each reviewer
- Coordinator (Review Leader)
- Author (Producer)
- Reviewers
- Recorder
- Coordinator chairs the meeting
- Walkthrough structure
- Author's overview?
- Reviewers should be able to understand the product without assistance
- Author's overview may "brainwash" reviewers into making the same logical errors as did the author
- Author's detailed walkthrough
- Based on logical arguments of what the design or code will do at various stages
- Requested specific test cases
- Coordinator resolves disagreements when the team can not reach a consensus
- Review issues list
- Identify problem areas within the product
- Action Item checklist for corrections to be made
- Review summary report
- What was reviewed?
- Who reviewed it?
- What were the findings and conclusions?
- At the end of the review, all attendees must decide whether to
- Accept the product without further modification
- Reject the product due to severe errors
- Accept the product provisionally
- All attendees complete a sign-off, indicating...
- Their participation in the review
- Concurrence with the review team's findings
Keep walkthroughs short (less than 90 minutes)
Keep good notes during the walkthroughs
Emphasize the following:
Error detection
, not error correction
Everyone is responsible for any bugs
remaining after the
The product
, not the person, is being reviewed
- Set an agenda and keep to it
- Limit debate and rebuttal
- Identify problem areas, but don't attempt to solve every problem
- Limit the number of participants
- Insist upon advance preparation
- Train reviewers
- Develop a checklist
for each reviewable
- Specification walkthroughs
- System specification
- Project planning
- Requirements analysis
- Design walkthroughs
- Preliminary design
- Design
- Code walkthroughs
- Test walkthroughs
- Maintenance reviews
- Objective - Check the system specification for:
- Problems
- Inaccuracies
- Ambiguities
- Omissions
- Participants
- User
- Senior analyst
- Project analysts
- Objects
- DFDs, Data Dictionary, ERDs, ...
- Objective - Check the architecture of the design for:
- Flaws
- Weaknesses
- Errors
- Omissions
- Participants
- User
- Analyst
- Senior designer
- Project designers
- Objects
- Structure charts, detailed design documents, ...
- Objective - Check the code for:
- Errors
- Standards violations
- Lack of clarity
- Inconsistency
- Participants
- Author
- Project programmers
- Designer
- Outside programmers
- Objects
- Code listing, compiler listings, ...
- Objective - Check the testing documents for:
- Inadequacy
- Incompleteness
- Lack of clarity
- Participants
- Project programmers
- Tester
- Analyst
- Designer
- Objects
- Test plan, test procedures, sample test data, ...
- Are major functions defined in a bounded and unambiguous fashion?
- Are interfaces between system elements defined?
- Have performance bounds been established for the system as a whole and for each element?
- Are design constraints established for each element?
- Has the best alternative been selected?
- Is the solution technologically feasible?
- Has a mechanism for system validation and verification been established?
- Is there consistency among all system elements?
- Is information domain analysis complete, consistent, and accurate?
- Is problem partitioning complete?
- Are external and internal interfaces properly defined?
- Does the data model properly reflect data objects, their attributes, and relationships?
- Are all requirements traceable to system level?
- Has prototyping been conducted for the user/customer?
- Is performance achievable within the constraints imposed by other system elements?
- Are requirements consistent with schedule, resources, and budget?
- Are validation criteria complete?
- Are software requirements reflected in the software architecture?
- Is effective modularity achieved? Are modules functionally independent?
- Is the program architecture factored?
- Are interfaces defined for modules and external system elements?
- Is the data structure consistent with the information domain?
- Is the data structure consistent with software requirements?
- Has maintainability been considered?
- Have quality factors been explicitly assessed?
- Does the algorithm accomplish the desired function?
- Is the algorithm logically correct?
- Is the interface consistent with the architectural design?
- Is the logical complexity reasonable?
- Have error handling and "antibugging" been specified?
- Are local data structures properly defined?
- Are structured programming constructs used throughout?
- Is design detail amenable to implementation language?
- Which operating system or language-dependent features are used?
- Is compound or inverse logic used?
- Has maintainability been considered?
- Has the design properly been translated into code?
- Are there misspellings and typos?
- Does the code adhere to proper use of language conventions?
- Is there compliance with coding standards for language style, comments, prologues, ...?
- Are there incorrect or ambiguous comments?
- Are data types and data declarations proper?
- Are physical constants correct?
- Have all the items on the design walkthrough checklist been reapplied as required?
- Have major test phases properly been identified and sequenced?
- Has traceability to validation criteria and requirements been established?
- Are major functions demonstrated early? (top-down)
- Is the test plan consistent with the overall project plan?
- Has a test schedule been explicitly defined?
- Are test resources and tools identified and available?
- Has a test record-keeping mechanism been established?
- Have test stubs been identified and has work to develop them been scheduled?
- Has stress testing for the software been specified?
- Has a regression testing mechanism been established?
- Have both white and black box test been specified?
- Have all independent logic paths been tested?
- Have test cases been identified and listed with their expected results?
- Is error handling being tested?
- Are boundary values being tested?
- Are timing and performance being tested?
- Has an acceptable variation form the expected results been specified?
- Have side effects associated with the change been considered?
- Has the request for change been documented, evaluated, and approved?
- Has the change, once made, been documented and reported to all interested parties?
- Have appropriate walkthroughs been conducted?
- Has a final acceptance review been conducted to ensure that all software has been
properly updated, tested, and replaced?
- Objective: FIND ERRORS
- Focus: the product, not the author
- Improves software quality
- Reduces risks of discontinuity
- Provides training for junior personnel
- Time-effective and cost-effective
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Structured Walkthroughs and Formal Technical Reviews by Dr. Jody Paul is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
©1995-1998,2006,2017 Dr. Jody Paul